Morton's neuroma
Many nerves run through our feet. Sometimes, one of them may be trapped between two metatarsal heads, the long bones of our feet. In that case, the patient might experience a wide variety of uncomfortable symptoms. More often, the nerve responsible is ''the common digital nerve to the 3rd interspace''.

Site possible d'un névrome de Morton

Site possible d'un névrome de Morton
Feeling of walking over a fold in the socks
Unpleasant clicking sensation to the forefoot and toes
Pain, burning, throbbing
Often worse in tight shoes
Biomechanical problem
High-arched foot
Tight shoes
High heels
Home treatments:
Use shoes that are wider in the forefoot
Avoid standing on tiptoes or wearing high heels
Treatments by the podiatrist:
First of all, it is important to verify the diagnosis. Then there are many ways to deal with it, including:
Laser therapy treatment
Plantar orthotics
Cortisone injection
Shoe modification
In some cases, surgery is indicated