Nail fungus / Onychomycosis
Also known as onychomycosis, nail fungus is a fungal infection that settles between the skin and the nail and is very difficult to treat. Its diagnosis can be made in the clinic or by a culture analyses in a laboratory and made by a health professional such as a podiatrist. It is potentially contagious and never goes away on its own.

Onychomycose - Champignon de l'ongle - Atteinte légère à modérée

Onychomycose - Champignon de l'ongle - Atteinte sévère

Onychomycose - Champignon de l'ongle - Atteinte légère à modérée
Crumbly, brittle nails
Yellowed or discolored nail
Thickening of the affected nail, which may be painful
Ingrown toenails
Sometimes observed with athlete's foot
Contamination by someone already infected
Spread from athlete's foot
Use of contaminated instruments
Home treatments:
Usually inefficient
Treatments by the podiatrist:
There are 2 categories of medical treatment; topical and oral. Your podiatrist will discuss the different options with you based on the severity of your case.
In rare cases, a nail can me surgically removed and the skin treated with a topical antifungal.