Corns and calluses
Corns are cone-shaped accumulations of callus that causes pain under the foot or between toes. They can be compared to the sensation of walking on a small pebble.
They may appear on any point of the foot that is under friction or pressure, including between the toes and under the forefoot. They require the attention of a skilled professional even though and recurrence is frequent.

Débridement de la corne / callosité en milieu podiatrique

Talons craqués - Hyperkératose

Cors sur le petit orteil

Débridement de la corne / callosité en milieu podiatrique
Sensation of a lump or sharp rock under the foot or between the toes
Underfoot corns often have a yellow halo and a darker center
Pain more intense barefoot than with shoes
Excessive pressure on a focal point
Ill-fitting or tight shoes
Scar tissue
Bony proeminence
Problematic biomechanics (for example, a hallux valgus causing increased pressure under the 2nd metatarsal head)
Home treatments:
Wearing more suitable shoes, in particular with the mention "wide", or wide at the forefoot
Using a pumice stone and moisturizer
Shoe modifications
Shoes with flexible tissue for corns between the toes
Treatments by the podiatrist:
Debridement of corns by a podiatrist using a scalpel and specialized tools
Some toe orthoses can be prescribed by the podiatrist